Category Archives: electronic patient records
A Policy Decision: Choosing Between Health Insurance and Medical Care
Those who control the language, control the debate. The question on the table in the U.S. today is, “What is the most efficient and least costly way to provide health insurance coverage to everyone?” Coverage is such a nice word. … Continue reading
The “May You Live in Interesting Times” Edition of Health Wonk Review
Just when you thought things can’t get any weirder, they do. Combine staunch opposed ideologies held by fierce political warriors, and we find ourselves under the ancient curse of living in interesting times. It seems our nation is transitioning from … Continue reading
Our Short-Sighted and Divided Country Looks for an ACA Replacement
We have short attention spans and shorter memories. That serves politicians well but it makes bad policy. Say, for example, you decided to run for President of the United States but you pulled a really stupid college-style prank, like plagiarizing … Continue reading
The President’s Day Edition of Health Wonk Review on Your Virtual Newsstand Now
David E. Williams is on top of the President’s Day Edition of Health Wonk Review. Click here to go to David’s Health Business Group blog for this special edition on your virtual newsstand today. I also want to add my … Continue reading
Fresh Prints: An All-New, Alt-Fax Edition of Health Wonk Review
Health Wonk Review for February 9, 2017 #alternative_facts Edition By Steve Anderson Editor February 9, 2017 Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. – Billy Joel The title of Billy Joel’s hit song wouldn’t have been nearly … Continue reading
Healthcare’s Future? Population Health and Information Technology
Many people are wondering if we are living in a post-ACA world. The uncertainty has pundits posturing all over the political map. No matter how the economy or politics turn, there are a few constants where people can have some … Continue reading
Puppies and Kittens Edition of Health Wonk Review
Hank Stern’s roundup of wonkery and punditry as the Health Wonk Review group looks at where things are going under a new administration in DC in this Puppies and Kittens edition of our beloved HWR. Here come da fuzz.
Healthcare Industry in an Age of Uncertainty
Uncertainty. The markets hate it. Established, successful businesses hate it. The markets are priced using certain assumptions, and successful businesses usually got that way under the current rules. So any disruption is a cause to pause. During that pause, some … Continue reading
A Post-Election Report from Pennsylvania: The ACA Factor?
The federal government promised health insurance companies that they’d be made whole by the feds if they had shortfalls while participating in ACA marketplaces. Many insurance companies have since found out all their money is not promptly forthcoming and their … Continue reading
The Baseball Lover’s Presidential Politics Edition of Health Wonk Review
In this week’s health policy roundup, Brad Wright posts Health Wonk Review: The Game 7 of Politics Edition at Wright on Health. His post skillfully ties two of America’s favorite and most contentious pastimes together: sports and politics. Something here for … Continue reading